"I'm very excited," Quintero, of Passaic, said about the company's upcoming performance at the Fair Lawn Community Center. "It's very interesting, very different. The music is all different – it's Venezuelan, African, tango, Latin rhythm and African rhythm. And I've never played for tap dancers."
Quintero is one of five musicians accompanying the dancers. He will be playing minor percussion, cajon and djembe as the musicians debut songs composed by the artistic director, choreographer and founder of FOLKTAP, Carlos Doñan.
Doñan searched for music that told the story he wanted to share and, with the exception of one piece, he couldn't find what he wanted. So, the musician-turned-dancer created his own.
For Doñan, "Encounter" is a very personal production, one nearly a year in the making. Living in Spain, he had what he describes as a series of encounters with people that led him to question the path his life had taken and ultimately pushed him to change it.
To the native of El Salvador, it was a change to "the rhythm of life" forced by an honesty and openness within himself. And that is what he is trying to express in "Encounter."
Doñan founded FOLKTAP in 2008, combining his different influences – Latin American, North American, European and Caribbean – with his personal experiences to create what he hopes is a visual way of communicating thoughts and feelings. "Encounter" is that concept come to life, and Doñan is excited to see the audience's reaction.
He knows they might not grasp the entire concept, which he describes as a return to silence and rebirth "by exploring new sounds, colors and textures," but hopes they can feel the meaning behind the music and movement. He knows people are unlikely to leave the performance ready to change their lives.
But maybe, just maybe, the show will get them thinking about the path they have taken, and whether they are along for someone else's ride or living their true identity.
"If they can feel something very honest, that is something," says Doñan. "Maybe for them the show can be an encounter."
Photo of Carlos Doñan by Salvador Mendoza
Photo of Roberto Quintero www.roberto-quintero.net/
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